Daily Nurture … ideas so far

Thank you to everyone who’s shared ways that they’ve created a bit of nurture for themselves!

Here’s some of the nurturing that’s been happening so far…

  • Taking time to enjoy flowers in the garden
  • A bit of a declutter
  • Cleaning that smudgey mirror you look in every day
  • A walk in a place you love
  • Remembering experiences and skills you haven’t consciously used in a while
  • Looking at beautiful pictures
  • Listening to something uplifting
  • Just sitting and remembering those that help you out
  • Relaxing with a jigsaw

Plus remember that bonus ball? Simply thinking about what you might do today to nurture yourself a little is itself nurturing… bargain 😀

If you’ve just joined this blog, you might be wondering why we are blethering on about nurture. It’s simply because I believe we can give more and live more when we are well nurtured – it’s a more compassionate and capable state than when we’re running on half empty … or on fumes!

Horse Chestnut blossom

Favourite quotes …

P.S My moment of nurture today? Browsing through my favourite quotes… inspiration, acceptance, down to earth wisdom. More on those in the next few days.

7 responses to “Daily Nurture … ideas so far

  1. Melanie König

    Thank you, for shifting my focus a little everyday. This has been a tough week and smiles and nurtures desperately needed. If I’d know how to share pictures in this blog, I’d have a wonderful nurturing one that gave me the little extra smile on my way to work this week.


    • *hug* Thank you Melanie, those pictures sound lovely. Keep nurturing those little extra smiles *hug* And P.S. You’ve given me an idea… Would you email the photos to me? I can set up a daily nurture gallery on this website to share photos that people want to send in 🙂 xx


  2. Melanie König

    And watching my cat trying to catch Mosquitos with his mouth is another one…


  3. This is such a great idea, Sarah and it’s inspired me to look for those nurturing moments. A couple more that made me smile…

    Wednesday evening, I came out of the gym just as the sun was setting in a mackerel sky. Geese were flying over – honking. I just leant on the top of the car watching for a minute or two.

    Thursday morning’s moment was as simple as letting two packed trains go by and waiting for one with a seat! That felt good too!


  4. Pingback: Daily Nurture – more ideas | Daily Nurture

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